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FORTE 12: More than 100 improvements


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
FORTE 12 is coming! You’ll be glad to hear that out of the total of 115 improvements, more than 40 will help you score more intuitively than before. About 15 crash issues were fixed. In the following video, Barbara will show you some of these improvements:

Note Value​

Previously, changing a note’s value was complicated. Now, you can adjust the note value easily. Just select the note and click the desired new value in the input palette or enter the respective number (4 for a quarter, 8 for an eighth note, etc).


You can add and remove measures quicker now – that is, by selecting a neighbouring measure and using the context menu (right-click), instead of scrolling through the ribbons to find the correct command button.

Music Ruler​

You just want to write a half note and the music ruler shows divisions into 16th? No problem – we’ve completely revised the music ruler to facilitate the note input. It now adapts to the note value you’ve selected. You’ll have your notes in their right places faster.

Ties and Slurs​

Ties and slurs over the edge of a line should not be a complicated thing to do. So this feature is simple now: Select the tie or slur from the input palette and aim at the first note to tie or slur it to the following one.


Every now and then, it’s good to have a tidy and clear things up. So, we gave the ribbons a little facelift and revised the “Simple Mode.” We added some new icons were added and removed some clutter. The “Simple Mode” now features the 18 most important buttons you’ll need. But don’t worry about the updated interface: you’ll still be able to work using your tried and tested old habits – there was just some comfort added. We hope you’ll enjoy the new “face” of FORTE.

And we also hope you’re okay with us skipping the details of the other 110 improvements for now 🙂
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